Pears are a nickname for the Pyrus fruit tree. Some species of pear trees generate fruit that is delicious to eat because it contains a lot of water, sour and sweet. Pears are trees that are native to tropical climates in Western Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Medium height trees can reach 10-17 meters. But some species are short trees that have thick leaves. They are suitable in cold climates. They are food ingredients since prehistoric times. Lots of evidence from prehistoric discoveries in Lake Zurich.
China has also cultivated them since 2,000 BC. You can consume them directly in the form of fresh fruit or can be cooked beforehand, like the ancient Romans used to eat apples. Usually, the French use it as a food ingredient. The type of pear tree that is known to bear fruit quickly and its shape is like an apple is the Pyrus cordata type. The plant originated in western China, precisely from the foot of the Tian Shan mountain. The pear also developed into 20 to 30 species which are currently known as the main species. While in Europe, they have varieties derived from the species Pyrus communis and Pyrus caucasica.
Behind the delicious taste, they also contain various nutritional and health benefits. It has always been one of the food intakes with balanced nutrition because the nutritional content is very abundant and diverse. Like fruits in general, the most nutrients found in pears are vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, this is not all. Below is the nutritional content of eating one medium-sized pear. They are known to have a high content of antioxidants compared to other fruits. All these beneficial nutrients are low in calories, fat, and cholesterol.
1. Reduces the risk of constipation

The fiber content of pears is high enough so that this is considered potent for preventing and overcoming constipation. Simply by eating one medium pear, you can meet 22% of fiber needs in a day. They also contain pectin fiber. In a Chinese study, giving pectin as much as 24 grams per day for one month was shown to help relieve constipation and support the growth of gut bacteria.
2. Reduces the risk of diabetes type II
The flavonoid compounds in pears are said to have benefits in reducing the risk of diabetes. It is consistent with a study in the US involving more than 9,600 adults aged 25-74 for about 20 years. In the study, people who regularly consumed five servings of fruits and vegetables had a lower risk of developing diabetes. In addition, they also have a low glycemic index, which means they don’t spike blood sugar quickly. The high fiber content in pears can slow down the absorption of food. It will control the increase in blood sugar. By consuming this, you will avoid the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
3. Help in losing weight

Pears are low in calories but rich in water and fiber. This combination makes it a weight loss-friendly food, as fiber and water can help keep you full. When you’re full, you’re naturally less likely to want to keep eating. In addition, a study also states that regular consumption of them can reduce body fat levels and reduce waist circumference significantly. So, if you want to maintain weight or lose excess fat and lose weight, they can be the right choice to include in your daily diet. In a 12-week study, 40 adults who ate two of it daily lose up to 2.7 cm of their waist circumference. Plus, a 10-week study found that women who added three of them per day to their daily diet lost an average of 1.9 pounds. They also point to improved lipid profiles as a marker of cardiovascular health.

4. Improve heart health

Fiber-rich foods also provide tremendous benefits for maintaining heart health. Eating enough fiber can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Pear skin also an antioxidant called quercetin, which is good for maintaining heart health. Quercetin can reduce inflammation and heart disease risk factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol. The benefits of pears further come from an antioxidant substance called procyanidin. This substance is believed to reduce stiffness in heart tissue, lower bad cholesterol (LDL), and increase good cholesterol (HDL).
5. Reducing the risk of getting cancer
Some studies show that a diet rich in fruits, such as pears, can protect you from several cancers, such as lung cancer, stomach cancer, and bladder cancer. Not only that, but several studies also show that the flavonoid content in pears can also reduce the risk of other cancers, such as breast and ovarian cancer. To reduce the risk, you can eat fruit or vegetables as much as five servings a day, and they are one of the right choices to meet your daily needs. They are also well consumed by children. To get their benefits, you can consume them directly, in the form of juice, or mix them in vegetable salads. However, make sure you have washed it with running water until it clean.
6. Keeping your bones strong and dense

Pears contain a variety of vitamins and minerals for bones, including vitamin K and boron. Vitamin K with other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus work together to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis. Meanwhile, boron plays a role in increasing bone mineral density, maintaining vitamin D levels in bones, and reducing inflammation around bones. These various functions are the key to keep your bones strong and dense.
You can’t use just any species as an ornamental plant. The type that you can use for ornamental plants is across the Siberian pear with the European pear. In addition to the fruit contains many benefits for human health, the wood is no less beneficial. Peartree wood has a sufficient level of resilience and strength for furniture, musical instruments, and carvings.