As one of the most quintessential and beautiful spring flowers, many people get interested in growing tulips. The flowers usually have bright colors, generally in yellow, red, pink, or warm colors. Their different colors come from an internal base of petals inside.
The amount of tulips variety in this world is recorded up to 75 wild tulips, and over 3000 varieties that have been created by selective breeding. This flower is originally from Asia. People brought tulips to Europe back then in the 16th century on a massive scale. Nowadays, you can easily find it everywhere throughout the world.
Tulips normally start to emerge in March. Even, if mild winter can cause premature growth, tulips can adapt well. However, most tulips need specific weather to grow up. The main reason for the decreasing number of its species is caused by habitat destruction. To plant it properly, you can follow this simple guideline.
The Thing You Should Know Before Growing Tulips
The perfect time to plant tulip bulbs is before the ground freezes, mostly in autumn. So, it will blooms in the spring season, either early or late spring. Regarding its variety, tulips can be categorized into 150 different species.
But, actually, there are over 3000 species genetically cultivated in this world. Still, new varieties of tulips keep being created regularly. Even though, it takes almost 20 years to show up in your local florist shop.
In a botanical perspective, tulips can be seen as a perennial bulb. Numerous hybridizing over many centuries makes tulips’ bulb ability to comeback has slowly weakened. Therefore, some gardeners keep treating these bulbs as annuals by planting in every autumn.
Growing tulips is a somewhat easy but little bit difficult. It has to find the perfect habitat that suits their specific characteristic. Mostly, the North American soil in climate is totally different and can’t replicate their original habitat. You need to make the closest climate to the origins.
Basic Preparation before Planting Tulips
Before planting it in your home, make sure to select a proper planting site. As its characteristic that doesn’t like too much heat, locate your tulips in shady side. If it is possible, choose a proper location with morning sun only. So, it will get enough light in minimum capacity.
Besides, choose well-draining soil to plant it. Mostly, tulips can’t live in excessive moisture areas. If your tulips are a kind of tall category, shelter it to avoid strong winds. And, give a genuine space between 4-6 inches apart.
Better to plant the bulbs during the autumn, 6-8 weeks before a string, ground-freezing frost has come. This bulb needs to set up everything itself before growing tulips. Planting too early will lead to chaotic issues. The good time to plant is about 40-50 degrees.

How to Plant and Grow Tulips
To prepare the media plantation of growing tulips, use a garden fork to loosen the soil with 12-15 inches layer. Mix it with compost in 2-4 inch layers. In order to make your growing process work perfectly, try to follow these tricks.
1. Plant tulips bulb deep in minimum 8 inches or deeper to allow drainage.
2. Set the bulb by pointing the sprout side up. Then, cover it with soil and press firmly.
3. Don’t forget to make it watery. All bulbs need water to grow up immediately.
4. To raise a perennial type, give them some fertilizer to cover the nutrients the bulb needs to grow. You may choose whether to use compost, materials, or other options.
5. Put holly or thorny leaves in the planting holes to deter both moles and mice. You also may use crushed gravel or kitty litter.
6. Watering tulips is an important thing to make sure that it hydrates properly. But, never water it if it rains weekly. Over-watering will damage its rot precisely.
7. You need to apply compost annually so it can help them by providing essential nutrients needed to blooms.
8. When the leaves seem to emerge, feed your tulips by watering it well.
9. Never remove the leaves for at least 6 weeks after blossoms. They need foliage to rebuild energy using this foliage.
This simple guideline is for basic needs. Meanwhile, your tulips may need different treatments along with the variety. For instance, wild tulips like lilac need different treatment towards triumph hybrids like Calgary. The perfect tip to growing tulips is to keep the habitat like their origins, not to dry or watery.