A fruit basket can be a special gift for any moment in your life. It can be sent when you cannot visit your sick friends and as a part to celebrate a happy moment. However, can you give it to your lecturer?It is mainly for a lecturer who becomes your supervisor in completing the thesis. At the end of everything, you may need to send him a gift. There are so many ideas that you can have. One of the best is for sure, a basket of fruits.
This gift is looked so attractive. Besides that, the fruit is a kind of superfood loved by a lot of people. It is also nutritious. Below are some fruit basket ideas that you can give to your lecturer. You better check this out to get the best one.
Floralicious Basket

This gift is so unique. As it is named, it will arrange various fruits together in a basket. Examples are some fruits like bananas, kiwis, oranges, and apples – your lecturer will love these delicious fruits, and it is healthy.
Various flowers can be arranged inside to make it more attractive. The example is like a lily. The pink lilies will match with all colours of the fruits. Besides the lilies, you can also place some snapdragons and for sure filler there.
This fruit basket is a smart option for your lecturer. The nutritious fruits there can regain energy since it has a lot of nutrients. The flowers around, especially lilies, will bring a festive mood for the recipient of this gift.

Freshness Juicy

This basket is not only beautiful to look at but also has a sweet fragrance. It is a gift which is arranged from some delicious fresh fruits. The alluring flowers are used as decoration to make it more attractive.
The options of fruits used are also varied. Those are like the pear, strawberries, apple, and orange. Could you imagine how beautiful this fruit basket is? The yellow colour from orange will contrast to the bright red colour of strawberries.
Some soft-coloured fruits such as pear and apple will make this basket are more artistic. The yellow flowers will be placed at the corner part, while the basket will be decorated with a series of leaves.
The smells of the fruits used are excellent, and it can please the sense. The brown colour is used for the basket, and it shows the natural colour and will accentuate the items. Your lecturer will adore all combinations used in this gift.
Many Cheers
It is essential to know what is loved by your lecturer. An example is if she/he loves wine. You can send a fruit basket that is combined with high-quality wine. It is a bottle of red wine in a red basket with the best taste.
The white paper will become the base, and the white ribbon is used as a decoration. It makes the gift looks elegant and young at the same time. The fruits used are also fascinating.
Examples of the fruits are kiwi, oranges, orange, lemon, apples, and grapes. Make sure that the amount is in balance. Meanwhile, a pineapple can be put at the back of the fruits. It can give the artistic look of this basket.

Vibrant Treats

If you know that your lecturer loves a healthy lifestyle, it is the recommended item. This vibrant treat fruit basket consists of several nutritious foods. Those are like the fruit itself, healthy snacks, and more. It is a special gift to give.
The fruits can be based on your own choice. However, usually, the items used are bananas, pears, grapes, lemon, and kiwi. The floral arrangements on the side of the basket will also be used as a decoration.
The colors of the flowers are also beautiful. The florist will use white and red flowers there. Meanwhile, the green leaves will also be put as a decoration to add a fresh look. It is like sunshine that will be adored by your lecturer.
The fruit options are free to be chosen. It is based on your budget and for sure taste. You can also suit based on the lecturer’s preference. Whatever it is, a fruit basket is never going wrong to be given at any moment.