Any plant that has an underground storage structure and spends its whole life cycle there...

Bulb Flower Types
Bulb Flower Types

Any plant that has an underground storage structure and spends its whole life cycle there is known as a bulb. The primary function of these structures is to store vital nutritional reserves. This guarantees that the plants have a good chance of surviving. 

Bulb Flower Types 

Spring Bulbs

Also known as hardy bulbs, spring bulbs are planted in the fall, survive the winter in the ground, and bloom in the spring. Tulips, irises, daffodils, hyacinth, allium, and crocus are some of the most common spring bulbs. Cold temperatures are required for these bulbs to break their dormancy and flower to their maximum potential.

Summer Bulbs

Also known as tender bulbs, summer bulbs are planted in the spring and bloom or leaf out throughout the summer. Summer bulbs include gladiolus, lilies, caladiums, and elephant ears. Dahlias that bloom into the fall are an example of plants that bloom later in the summer or for a longer period. Summer bulbs are sensitive to chilly temperatures and should only be planted once the soil has warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. If you buy them before planting time, keep them in a cold, dry place until you’re ready to use them.

Different Flower Bulb Types


Tulips Flower Bulbs
Tulips Flower Bulbs

Tulips are huge, showy, vividly colored perennial bulbiferous plants that bloom in the spring. These flowers are commonly used as cut flowers, ornamental plants, and garden accessories. The colors could be pink, crimson, purple, yellow, and white. Tulips have been cultivated for centuries and are native to southern Europe and Central Asia. Tulips’ names come from a Persian term for turban due to their resemblance in appearance. They’ve been domesticated in various places of the world. They bloom in the spring and then go dormant once the leaves and blooms have died. They emerge as a single flowering stem from the underground bulb.

Read Also : Growing Tulips to Plant it Properly


Hyacinths Flower Bulb Types
Hyacinths Flower Bulb Types

Hyacinths are bulbous flowering plants with brightly colored, aromatic blossoms. From Palestine to Turkey, the flora is native to the Mediterranean region. The flowers grow in groups along the stalk and are widely used as decorative plants.


Daffodil Bulb Flower types
Daffodil Bulb Flowers Types

The daffodil is a spring perennial plant in the Amaryllis family that belongs to the Narcissus genus. It symbolize The name Narcissus comes from a Greek word that means ‘intoxication.’ It was called after the Greek mythological young man who fell in love with his reflection. They are normally white or yellow, but pink and orange colors also exist. Narcissus plants are endemic to the forests and meadows of southern Europe, North Africa, and the Western Mediterranean, and have a wide range of medical and botanical purposes. It has spread to many different places around the globe.


Lily Bulb Flower Types
Lily Bulb Flowers Types

Lilies are herbaceous flowering plants with huge, conspicuous blossoms that originate from bulbs. Many species, such as the calla lily, are frequently grown for their attractiveness. In many civilizations and works of literature, they are significant. Lilies are native to the Northern Hemisphere’s temperate zones. It’s worth noting that while many plants have the term “lily” in their name, they aren’t real lilies.

Read Also : Planting The Funnel Calla Lily


Gladiolus Bulb Flower Types
Gladiolus Bulb Flowers Types

Gladiolus plants, sometimes known as sword lilies, are perennials that belong to the iris family. Mediterranean Europe, Asia, tropical Africa, and South Africa are all home to these floral plants. The Cape Floristic Region in South Africa is known for having the most diversified variety of gladiolus plants.


Freesia Bulb Flower Types
Freesia Bulb Flowers Types

Freesia is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant endemic to Africa, notably Kenya and the Cape Provinces. Many hybrids have been developed for cultivation, and it produces fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers. They are one of the most attractive plants that can be used in both indoor and outdoor gardens.


Dahlia Bulb Flower Types
Dahlia Bulb Flowers Types

Dahlia is a perennial herbaceous plant that contains 42 different kinds. Because the genetic components of the plant travel among alleles, the flowers have such a wide range of colors. Each stalk produces one flower that is vividly colored. The colors include red, pink, purple, yellow, and lilac. This plant is native to Mexico, and it became the country’s national flower in 1963. The Aztecs grew it as a food crop because the tuberous root provides a nourishing meal.

Lily of the Valley

Lily of The Valley Bulb Flower Types
Lily of The Valley Bulb Flowers Types

Mary’s Tears, Our Lady’s Tears, and May Bells are all terms for the Lily of the Valley plant. It was also called the Apollinaris in some sources due to a tale that the plant was discovered by the Greek God Apollo. It’s a delicate flower with a pleasant perfume that’s also quite toxic. The white bell-shaped flowers have spring-flowering bulbs and are quite lovely. It is endemic to the Northern Hemisphere’s cooler regions, such as Europe and Asia.

Read Also : Type of Iris Flower

How to Plant Bulb Flowers

Bulbs can be grown in a variety of settings, including formal gardens, meadow gardens, lawns, under trees, and properly planted in beds and borders. Many bulbs will naturalize and reproduce in a given region, returning year after year.

Bulbs can be planted in layers by digging up an entire area to the required depth, inserting the bulbs, and covering; or individually in separate holes excavated for each bulb. Here’s the complete steps.

  • Choose the appropriate planting depth for the bulb you’re planting. Flowers that are planted too deep will blossom late or not at all. If new growth is planted too shallowly, it may be exposed too quickly and be damaged by cold weather. If you’re not sure how deep to plant the bulb, a reasonable rule of thumb is to plant it 2 to 3 times as deep as the bulb’s height.
  • Loosen the soil and, if necessary, mix in organic material for increased nutrients or better drainage. Follow the product directions when using a special bulb fertilizer.
  • The sharp end of the bulbs should be up, and the roots should be down. Plant the bulb on its side if you’re not sure where the top or bottom is. It will eventually find its way to the surface.
  • Cover with a light layer of soil and mulch.
  • To settle in, newly planted bulbs should be well watered.
  • If necessary, stake wire mesh or chicken wire over the beds to keep pests out, or plant bulbs in bulb baskets or wire cages.



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