The National Confectioners Association (NCA) conducted research and reported that 80% of American adults planned to give out candy in trick-or-treats tradition on Halloween day. This research in 2005 also showed that 90% of children are still planning on doing trick-or-treats in their neighborhood.
In Canada, the number of candies sold on Halloween is more than anytime or any other holiday in a year. In other countries, there are also a lot of Halloween-themed parties on the nearest weekend from October 31. Schools, public spaces, and shopping malls have always been filled with Halloween decorations since the beginning of October. These facts prove that Halloween is one of the most awaited occasions in the world. People love to celebrate Halloween.
Halloween Meaning

The word “Halloween” means hallowed evening. Looking at the history, it comes from the tradition of the early Europeans that paid homage to saints (saints in other words is “hallows”).every November 1. This celebration is called All Saints Day. The night before All Saints Day was called All Hallows’ Eve. This is the beginning of the Halloween celebration that we know until today. Because as days went by, All Hallows’ Eve was shortened to Halloween, and that’s what we call it to this day.
When is Halloween Day?

Now we celebrate Halloween on the last day of October, or October 31 every year. It is related to the history of Halloween that was previously known as All Hallows’ Eve, which is the celebration on the night before All Saints Day. But there are more. This more ancient history is closely related to how Halloween is celebrated today. With all the spooky, ghost costumes and themes, did you ever wonder where that came from?
It started around 2.000 years ago when the Celtics lived in an area that is now Ireland, Northern France, and the United Kingdom. They celebrate the new year on November 1 because that day marked the beginning of a dark and cold winter after summer and harvest time. The celebration will involve bonfires and costumes. They believe that in the new year or the season’s transition, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead becomes blurred. They believe that otherworldly spirits will return to earth. So, on the night before November 1, the Celtics will hold a celebration called Samhain. It is where the Celtic priests built a sacred bonfire. The Celtics then gather and wear costumes from animal heads and skins, then they will give sacrifices such as crops and animals to the Celtic deities, then ask them to protect the Celtics during the coming long, cold, and dark winter.
This ancient festival of Samhain is known as the earliest root of Halloween because it also became the inspiration of All Hallows’ Eve celebration. That’s why until today, Halloween is always connected with ghosts, otherworldly spirits, and all the other spooky connotations.

Why We Celebrate Halloween

These days, Halloweens are no longer connected with mystical rituals or otherworldly spirits. It has already evolved, modernized, and become a part of pop culture. So these days, we celebrate Halloween for all the fun – parties, candies. costumes, games, and trick-or-treats. We can also say that Halloween is one of the most awaited holidays in America and a lot of other parts of the world. Some countries even developed traditions of their own to celebrate Halloween. For example in Canada, Halloween also became the time where people give charitable donations. In Quebec, Canada, there will be themed tours of historic cemeteries and parts of the old city. In Mexico, at the same time of the year, there is the Dia de Muertos celebration, or known as the Day of the Dead. People in Mexico will put flower decorations halloween in cemeteries and altars to honor their ancestors. In the Philippines, 31 October until 2 November is a period where people remember dead family and friends. They usually travel back to their hometown or have family gatherings to celebrate the remembrance.
Halloween Movie Ideas

Besides planning costumes and trick-and-treats, Halloween is also a good time to spend quality time with family, friends, and loved ones. A movie marathon is one of the best options to do so. You can choose the movie genre based on your and your family’s favorite. It could be the funny one, the classic one, the scariest one, or the family-themed one. Collect your candies, prepare a bowl of popcorn, wear warm and cute costumes, and snuggle with your loved ones watching these movies on a fun Halloween night!
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
- Scream (1996)
- A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
- The Haunted Mansion (2003)
- Friday the 13th (1980)
- Get Out (2017)
- Edward Scissorhands (1990)
- Carrie (1976)
- The Exorcist (1973)
- Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
- Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
- Us (2019)